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When the element of death deepens, the photographs get better – interview with Nobuyoshi Araki by Alzbeta Kossuthova
As a lover of black and white photography, I came across the works of many, among which the name Nobuyoshi Araki resonated with me the most.
Here I am in Tokyo now, having met my hero. Dreams are never too big, nor too impossible.

Something that stays inside – interview with Valerio Bispuri by Juraj Marec
Giving a voice to communites which are hidden from our everyday life is the main goal of many documentary photographers. Close human contact makes great pictures but certainly there is more behind if you want to display the truth. You need to be physically strong and have inner integrity to […]

I like working with people who dare to look their pain in the eyes – interview with Elfie Kristiana by Nicole Jašáková
There was nothing left. She felt like a prisoner in her own body. Then she discovered the real magic – art. Guided by her physical and emotional pain, she transferred her inner fragile world into reality with pencil lines and shades of light. Elfie Kristiana is a Belgian […]

I am not there to moralize; I am there to take pictures – interview with Boogie by Nicole Jašáková
The civil war that ravaged former Yugoslavia, his home country in the 1990s, determined his style. His raw, monochromatic pictures are an emotionally vivid documentation of everyday violence in a city plagued by neglect. Winning in a green card lottery was his ticket out and a chance for […]

Standing Between the Old and the New – interview with Hans Madej by Clary Estes
Hans Madej is a man locked in the tesseract of history. Through his work he explores how the echoes of our familial and social past resonates within us in ways both apparent and subtle, as well as how the oppression of few affects the lives of many. Madej […]
Interviews with documentary photographers

When the element of death deepens, the photographs get better – interview with Nobuyoshi Araki by Alzbeta Kossuthova
As a lover of black and white photography, I came across the works of many, among which the name Nobuyoshi Araki resonated with me the most.
Here I am in Tokyo now, having met my hero. Dreams are never too big, nor too impossible.

Something that stays inside – interview with Valerio Bispuri by Juraj Marec
Giving a voice to communites which are hidden from our everyday life is the main goal of many documentary photographers. Close human contact makes great pictures but certainly there is more behind if you want to display the truth. You need to be physically strong and have inner integrity to […]

I like working with people who dare to look their pain in the eyes – interview with Elfie Kristiana by Nicole Jašáková
There was nothing left. She felt like a prisoner in her own body. Then she discovered the real magic – art. Guided by her physical and emotional pain, she transferred her inner fragile world into reality with pencil lines and shades of light. Elfie Kristiana is a Belgian […]

I am not there to moralize; I am there to take pictures – interview with Boogie by Nicole Jašáková
The civil war that ravaged former Yugoslavia, his home country in the 1990s, determined his style. His raw, monochromatic pictures are an emotionally vivid documentation of everyday violence in a city plagued by neglect. Winning in a green card lottery was his ticket out and a chance for […]

Standing Between the Old and the New – interview with Hans Madej by Clary Estes
Hans Madej is a man locked in the tesseract of history. Through his work he explores how the echoes of our familial and social past resonates within us in ways both apparent and subtle, as well as how the oppression of few affects the lives of many. Madej […]
Blogs by our editors

Catching a fire – Clary Estes about Lesia Maruschak
Maruschak is a photographer, yet such a title is an oversimplification of her practice. While photography, both practical and archival, has been a jumping off point of her work, she is ill content to limit herself the to strictness of the traditionally understood documentary photographic image. Maruschak recalls her early inclinations to paint on her photographs, recollecting.

Ernesto’s Cuba
There is a big difference between a photographer who takes pictures at a certain place for a few months and the one who has been taking pictures there for several years and the place has become a home for him. Why do the photographs of Cuba by Ernesto Bazan differ from the others? […]

Sub-Carpathian Ukraine – Jana Hunterová
I am interested in many places across the world and the everyday life of their inhabitants. It touches me very personally, because also I’m looking for where I belong.

#MeToo Photojournalism
Ever since the rise of #MeToo and the death of Kim Wall I have been thinking about violence and assault towards female journalists and photojournalists on assignment, especially through the lens of my own experiences. Odds are that you are either a woman who has posted #MeToo, or […]

Alphaville, capital of pain – Miguel Oriola
The expressive position is very strongly felt in the work of a Spanish documentary photographer Miguel Oriola.